Friday, November 27, 2009

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

am i to expect perfect striaght hair// cause its am,zing t what it does to their hair..i was wondering if i can use insted of blow dring my hair or somthing.

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

its going to fry your hair...just like it does theirs...they still have to flat iron it to get it strait..and i dont sugest it if your hair is over 6 inches long in any spot...relaxer fries the hair and makes it limp an kind of spongy feeling...which if you have african american hair and you want it strait its the way to go....but if your white and you want it strait get a japanese relaxer....its more expensive but works 100% better on non ethenic hair....or better yet...just get a good flat iron and straiten it when you want it strait....will not fry your hair like the relaxers

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

yup,i use it and mt hair is really straight,give it a try but i relax my hair like twice a thats just me,i like it a little bit natural

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

I am not African-American but I used to use the hair-straightening products for African-American women. I had to wash or at least rinse my hair each morning and blow dry it. You still have to pull it straight with the brush while blow-drying in order for it to be straight.

The good thing was I only had to re-do the chemicals every few months. It didn't wash out, and I washed my hair every night.

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

it will loosen your curls but not totally straighten out your hair. i am a african american with curly hair and I have a perm. you will have to use a lot of heat which is not healthy

If i use the straightening products for african americans on my hair, which is smooth and curly,?

NO DONT DO IT!!!!!! You have pretty good hair texture from what you have explained. You do not need something as harsh as a perm. There is a technique called wash and set,which is when they wash your hair and roller set it! It should straighten your hair a significant amount without changing the texture so much.Good Luck

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