Friday, November 27, 2009

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

the heat evaporates the moisture in your hair and like dry skin cracks your hair breaks because you have no moisture to keep it healthy, the best thing to do is to, get some straightening cream or spray.

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

it doesnt. sometimes it can. but mine doesn't. if urs does then use straitning crea. i do not know why it causes spit ends. it may just be the way ur straitning it. or u just straiten it too much

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

It's probably because you use high heat to straighten your hair and the more heat you apply to your hair, the faster it dries out and cause split ends.

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

the heat fries the hair.. if your straighter is too hot. and of heat damage

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

sometimes it happens becuase of the heat dries out your hair so much and the straightner pulls or snags your hair so much it cuases it to get split ends. Thats why you should always use something to prevent them and get reglar trims.

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

Because of the heat it dries out you're hair which causes it to split. But if you buy a more high quality hair straightener which has a cermanic plate it wont as much because it evenly distributes heat through you're hair. It's also a good Idea to deep condition it and trim the ends a lot.

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

hey! ok the reason straightening your hair causes split ends is because the iron you straighten your hair with can get up to 500 degrees and that is really harsh on your hair! after using that for a while your hair gets fryed and after that your hair starts breaking off causing split ends! sometimes it's good to give tour hair a break... wear it natural ( you can come up with somethin cute ) and it's good to get it trimmed for split ends! well i hope i helped if you have any questions you can ask! :]

Why does straightening your hair cause split ends?

because its too hot on your hair, and eventually it'll cause damage

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